Monday, January 17, 2011


The Emergency Medical Hologram
When the Doctor on Voyager was killed because of the Caretaker taking the ship to the Delta Quadrant, the Emergency Medical Hologram, meant for short term use, was utilized as a full fledged doctor of the Voyager crew. Because of this he eventually got a personality and thus explored new aspects of what it is to be alive.
He developed a human family and had a number of other human experiences. He took a liking toward opera as well as a playwright and author, and developing meaningful relations with many of the crew. He later had an emotional dealing with  saving Harry Kim or Ensign Jet

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Tom Paris

Thomas Eugene Paris was a bad boy from the beginning. Kathryn Janeway requested his flight experiences. He had a brief history with the Maquis, under Captain Jakotay. After joining Voyager to retrieve his comrades from the badlands, he and the crew of Voyager got pulled 70,000 light years to the Delta Quadrant.
He was born to a senior Starfleet officer, Admiral Owen Paris. He felt imposed upon by the pressures of his father to excel in Starfleet, and that is why they had a troubled relationship. Throughout his Starfleet career his father pushed him so much that he became resentful of him.
He loved the sea. He read some classics as Jules Verne’s “Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea,” at least twenty times. He had a passion for flying, which made him a very good pilot on Voyager.

B'Lanna Torres

B’Lanna Torres is half human and half Klingon born in 2349. She was born on Federation colony Kessik IV. Her human father and Klingon mother often fought. Her father left the house when she was six. He went to Earth leaving her to be raised by her mother.

Because of her Klingon side, she is shown being prone to aggressive outburst. She once attacked a schoolmate Daniel Byrd, because he was taunting her because of her Klingon ridges and calling her Miss Turtle head.

While at the academy, she had trouble managing with Starfleet protocols. Because of this she had four disciplinary hearings and one suspension. Torres was a valued member of the academy decathlon, making the track and field coach as well as other members furious by leaving it.

Torres joined the Maquis in 2370 and was serving on the Val Jean when brought to the Delta Quadrant with Voyger.

After some time she was on Voyager she was promoted to Lieutenant and Chief Engineer. In 2377 she married Tom Paris, and gave birth to their daughter Miral.

Friday, January 14, 2011


Tuvok served as tactical officer under Kathryn Janeway on the Federation Starship Voyager, while it was stranded in the Delta Quadrant.
Son of T’meni was born on Stardate 38774 on the Vulcan Lunar Colony. As a teenager he rebelled against the Vulcan Ideal of Logic when he fell in love with a girl named Jara, the daughter of the ambassador. Tuvok was willing to violate every tenant of Vulcan philosophy to be with her. Unfortunately Jara didn’t return his feelings. As punishment for this treasonous act he had to survive in a Vulcan dessert for four months with only a ritual blade as his possession.
Tuvok entered Starfleet Academy at 25, but found it difficult to fit in. He found the egocentric nature of humans difficult to deal with but he endured it.
After he graduated in 2293, he was assigned to the USS Excelsior, as science office. Captain Sulu was his Captain. He was present in the attempt to rescue Kirk and McCoy from the Klingon Penal colony. This was despite direct orders from Starfleet, and Tuvok protested this.
He received an alien virus that the Valtane was carrying when he died in his arms. This virus disguised itself as a memory engram. This virus was eventually destroyed by the doctor on Voyager.
Tuvok was among those who spoke out against Spock’s recommendation to form an alliance with the Klingons. After the three year mission in the Beta Quadrant Tuvok resigned from Starfleet on account of his differences with humans.  His experiences were not pleasant. Tuvok saw they thought every alien race should be similar to them.
Tuvok first met Janeway in 2355, where he charged her with failing to observe Starfleet tactical procedure in her first command. Although bruising Janeway’s ego, she recognized Tuvok’s ethics were sound and from 2365, Janeway came to rely on his logical, insightful advice.
His first posting was at Jupiter Station where he wrote to Janeway.


Chakotay was a former Maquis, and then joined Voyagers crew after being sent to the Delta Quadrant by an unknown entity that called itself the Caretaker.

Born in 2329, he was raised by Kolopak, his father, near the Cardassean Demilitarized Zone. Being of Mayan descent, he was a very spiritual; Chakotay’s tribe left Earth, because of the intrusion of technology on societies.  Chakotay went on a quest through the Amazon Rainforest with his father looking for the descendants of the ancient rubber tree people.

At first resistant  to learn of his father’s connection to these ancestral lands, leaving his father very disappointed, his father was also shocked to learn that his son wanted to join Starfleet as well. Chakotay and his father were not on very good terms when his father died, mainly because of this decision. This is why he resigned from Starfleet, to preserve his homeland from the invading Cardassians.  Then, and for that reason, he took the tattoo, for the memory of his father.

Kathryn Elizabeth Janeway

“There are three things to remember about being a starship Captain: Keep your shirt tucked in, go down with the ship, and never abandon a member of your crew.”
Kathryn Janeway was a 24th century Starfleet captain of the USS Voyager, the first captain to successfully traverse the Delta Quadrant, while encountering dozens of new planets and civilizations, over the course of a seven year journey. Her crew survived numerous encounters with the Borg, even rescuing a drone and rehabilitating her individuality.

She was born on May 20th in Bloomington, Indiana on Earth. Her father was Vice Admiral Janeway and she had one sister, Phoebe, who was an artist. She grew up on her grandfather’s farm. When she was six, she watched a bolt of lightning split an oak tree, one she had climbed just a few hours before.  Many years later she recalled that there was no anomaly more frightening as a thunderstorm. She always enjoyed Welch Rabbit at her grandfathers.

She took ballet lessons in her youth.