Monday, February 28, 2011

ST: Mosaic

Mosaic is by Jeri Taylor, who is a co-creator of Voyager and the executive producer. It was published by Pocket Books located at 1633 Broadway in New York City. The copy write date is 1996. It has 312 pages. There is a CD-reading of this book by Kate Mulgraw aka Kathryn Janeway.
Jeri Taylor, who was born on June 30, 1938, is the co-creator and executive producer of many of the StarTrek shows, as well as author of the several of the books. She is an alumnus of Indiana University. She wrote the scripts for Little House on the Prairie and the Incredible Hulk.
This book is about a mission where Janeway has to save crew members and her ship. As well, it shows what made her who she was today by going in her past and showing us her childhood through the beginning of her Starfleet career. What I did was put the Kathryn’s childhood first, and then Voyagers mission.
Kathryn’s Youth
Her father was asking her multiplication problems. She thought outside the box and got her eleven multiplication problems correct, when she only learned up to her tens. Kathryn didn’t like to take tennis. Her mother however made her. The only thing she hated more was Hobbes Johnson.
What made her spirits rise was that her father was taking her on her first extra-stellar travel to Mars.  Kathryn let her sister Phoebe, who was sad that she couldn’t go to Mars, use her pads of games.

Admiral Finnegin met Kathryn and her father when they transported to Starfleet. Data piloted the shuttle to the ship. The Cardasseans troubled the Federation.
Kathryn had another reoccurrence when she lost a tennis match, her teammates tried to console her. However she didn’t let them and they transported back without her. She had a twenty mile hike, and it started raining. She slept in the field a little, until her father rescued her. She lost her father to StarFleet because of the Cardassian presence which was now in Federation space. 
When Kathryn was 14 she started StarFleet. The summer before when she was on the Mars Lunar colony she started at StarFleet. She was with her two best friends in a Query on Mars. They were too far down and couldn’t make it up. Hobbes Johnson rose from the depths and rescued them. Then her friends left her in the caverns. Since Mars has low gravity, the water pressure wasn’t as intense. She went swimming in the Cavern with Hobbes. She was down there for so long, she got lost and scared. Her father rescued them. He told Hobbes to tell his parents, and Kathryn got grounded for a week. Hobbes offered to help her get checked in to StarFleet in place of her father however, she refused. Kathryn had her initiation interview with Admiral Paris, who was very strict.
Kathryn had very little time for romance, since she wanted captaincy of a ship so bad. However she had a few boyfriends. Her first boyfriend was Cheb Parker. They liked to explore together with their friends. Once they found this Irish house in the US that a wealthy Irish Man built for his wife. When his wife, supposedly moved back to Ireland, it was vacated. However it was rumored that he killed his wife and buried her in the garden.  They saw the ghost of his wife, burn the drapes and chase them out of the house. Everyone, except Kathryn, beamed back. Cheb, who worried about her, gave her half an hour to stay, and then he would come back and get her. Kathryn stayed to figure out why the ghost of the woman was still there, and to help her make peace and leave.
Kathryn and Cheb went exploring in a cave on Mars where Kathryn found what could have meant that there was life on Mars. Cheb blamed her for always reminding him about his not getting into StarFleet. What he was doing was misplacing the frustration he had about not getting in.
She was dragged out of her dorm by a friend and met William Riker.
The Admiral was going to be her advisor for her junior thesis on “Massive Compact Hollow Objects,” in which she had three days to write. However, her friend, Lettie dragged her out and she met Wil Riker.
Kathryn’s first mission was a covert mission to find out what the Cardasseans were up to. This was to prevent a war. Admiral Paris took Kathryn down to the planet to investigate further. They got separated, and she heard the admiral being tortured. Justin Tinghe rescued her as well as the admiral. He sprained his ankle while running with her to the transporter to beam to the ship. They hid in the mud. Her, the Admiral and Justin were beamed up to the Icarus directly to sickbay and were healed. The Admiral suggested her captaincy after that situation. Katherine went to Justin’s quarters to thank him for the rescue. When they got shore leave, Justin went to Kathryn’s house for dinner.
Kathryn was in an unknown realm. She was cold, and thought she saw an iceberg, but she had no idea where she was or if that was an iceberg. She was on a ship with her father and fiancé. Kathryn had a dream about what took place with Admiral Paris. Her sister was motivating her to stop dwelling on her losses of her father and her boyfriend Justin. She found a puppy in the snow and named it Petunia, who gave her reason stop dwelling on her losses.
She saw her friend Hobbes, when friend Hobbes when Petunia took half of his Peanut Butter Sandwich. Hobbes was now a debater of issues and formulated aspects which helped found some of StarFleet technologies.
Tuvok was Janeway’s first tactical advisor in her first mission review.
Voyager’s Mission
Voyager’s away team is on an away mission and they were being bombarded by electric charges making beam out impossible. They took shelter in a cave, however it cost one crew member his life.
Janeway had a reoccurrence that she was with her father unconscious in a plasma storm.  She sought council from the Doctor. He had a difficult time counseling, for he thought B’Lanna and Kim were not making his mobile emitter a priority.
They were intercepted by the Kaizon, who told them they would guide them through their ship as soon as they were done with their survey. So in the meantime, Voyager and her crew were exploring a planet until there gracious escorts returned.
Tuvok led the Away Mission with Harry and some of the Junior-grade officers and found some dead winged beings. Then the Kaizon attacked. Voyager had to regroup, but it would be back for their away team.
Two Voyager away teams were on the planet. One lead by Tuvok, the other was lead by Neelix. When they got separated Neelix went through some caves and some slime to reach the others. Once they met Kes and Kim they attended to their wounds and found shelter from the Kaizon. Kim and Kes were going down a corridor; they went through a forcefield and Kes said something was coming to life.
Meanwhile, Voyager was adrift, while making repairs, in a Nebula which hid them from the Kaizon. However the Kaizon were firing at them blindly. Sensors detected an unknown ship, with all but life support down.
Two Kaizon scientists were trying to figure out how to kill the animal on the planet or at least neutralize it. Kes was attracted to a wall, and Kim followed.
Trekkis, a Kaizon physician, was studying drugs on a Krett and he died from a narcotic overdose, so Trekkis was performing an autopsy. Harry, Kes, Tuvok, Neelix, and the away team; reawakened the Tokath, an alien being created to protect the inhabitants of the planet. It only showed itself when movement through a holographic openings occurred. The Kaizon met the Tokath and fired immensely but couldn’t kill them. The Tokath spit mucus at them killing them.
Trekkis just contacted Janeway and asked her for asylum on Voyager. The Tokath had a ship and were rising from the planet.
The Kaizon were attacking the Tokrath, with no effect. The Tolkrath attached themselves to Voyager, so they went close to a star, which melted the Tolkrath off. To get the away team from the planet they blew up the star, and forced the Tolkrath to hibernation.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

USS Voyager

Its launch was 2371, Voyager was an Intrepid class Starship. It was the first starship to return from the Delta Quadrant between 2371 and 2376.
It was constructed in the Utopia Plantia shipyards orbiting Mars. It was launched from Earth Station McKinley. It was one of the first Intrepid Class Starships featuring many technological innovations; bio-neural circuitry, variable geometry warp nacelles and an Emergency Medical Hologram. The vessel was the first to test class 9 Warp drive in deep space.
Voyager’s first mission was to rescue her chief of security Tuvok infiltrated a Maquis ship commanded by former StarFleet officer Chakotay. The Maquis ship went missing in the Badlands and Voyager was assigned to locate and capture her.
Janeway recruited Tom Paris for his piloting skills. He was as well a former Maquis and his knowledge of the Badlands was great.


He was a Talaxian male, born on Rinax. He was a merchant, after his parents died, before he became part of Voyagers crew. His homeland was attacked an decimated by the Haakonians, resulting in the Metreon Cascade, which in a wiped out of his species.
Neelix grew up with his parents, brother and sister on Rinax, a moon of the Talaxian home world.  He would go exploring every day with his sisters in a forest behind his house. His favorite out of the two sisters was Alexia.

Saturday, February 5, 2011


Mezoti is a Norcadian. She was assimilated. In 2376 she was freed from the Borg. She and her friends captured the Delta Flyer with Chakotay, Tom Paris, Harry Kim and Neelix aboard. The 5 kids demanded Voyagers deflector array in exchange for the hostages. It would have allowed them to contact the Borg, but it would have prevented Voyager from attaining Warp.
Seven discovered that the Borg had received a distress call from the cube, but determined that the children would be irrelevant and the Borg would ignore it. After the children relized this they decided to leave the cube.
She helped seven guide Icheb, Azan and Rebi. Azan and Rebi’s people agreed to give Mezoti a home because they were unable to contact her people.

Friday, February 4, 2011


Kes was a female Ocampa. She joined Voyager, with Neelix, after it was catapulted to the Delta Quadrant. She served as a medic helping the Doctor and was in charge of the airponics bay. She left Voyager to explore her increasingly powerful mental abilities.
Kes was born on Ocampa to a species that had telepathic powers and a nine year life span. She was very close to her father and considered him an inspiration in her life, but he died not long after her first birthday. She received guidance from him when she needed.
When she was born her mother expressed a wish that she would see the sun. Kes was brought up underground like most Ocampans because the planet’s surface was a barren wasteland, due to a catastrophic event. The Nacene, a race of explorers had damaged the atmosphere, so badly that Nucleogenics particles were lost thus rendering the planet surface unsuitable for life. They deeply regretted what they had done, leaving two of their kind to care for the Ocampa. The male Nacene, known as the Caretaker, stayed. He provided the Ocampa with food, entertainment and water as well as energy from the array. The Ocampans were protected with a forcefield and the Caretaker attained an almost God-like status among the Ocampans. This symbiotic relationship remained for 500 generations
Some who weren’t that happy found a way through the energy barrier. They wanted to explore other parts and no longer wished to remain dependent on the Caretaker. Among them was Kes, who was frustrated of the dependence that her race had on the Caretaker. They couldn’t think for themselves anymore.

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Icheb was a young Brunali, who was assimilated by the Borg; he was rescued by Voyager and then applied to StarFleet. The culture where grew up had limited technology. His home world bordered a transwarp conduit. Frequent Borg attacks left his world, which had been a technologically advanced culture, in devastation and ruin. In order to prevent attacks they gave up their technological practices and started agriculturally living.
They genetically engineered Icheb to be born with a deadly disease which would annihilate a vast degree of the Borg, thus sending him in a shuttle to be assimilated by the Borg. As a drone he was given the ability to control other drones. He eventually overtook his first to gain control.
After being on Voyager Echeb and his group assimilated individuality, and Seven took responsibility for them. Icheb was innovative and intelligent. He had a strong interest in Astrophysics and worked alongside Seven in Astrometrics.
Icheb once demonstrated his high level aptitude for Janeway, Torres, as well as Seven by designing a gravimetric sensor array that was capable of being used in combination with Voyager’s sensors to detect wormholes. His parents and home world were located in 2376. Echeb returned to them, despite serious objections by Seven. He tried learning about his culture while adjusting to life as a farmer without technological access. After Voyager left he learned the truth about his assimilation, when his parents tried to put him on a small transport vessel. Fortunately, Seven's suspicion about Icheb's parents and constant questioning of his safety lead to her finally exposing their plan to sacrifice Icheb and Voyager returned, rescuing him from re-assimilation. With no home to return to, Icheb rejoined the ship on its journey back to the Alpha Quadrant.

He expanded his expertise, to genetics after returning to Voyager. When Voyager returned home, Icheb and the group of friends, stayed on the ship.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Seven of Nine

Seven of nine Tertiary Adjunct of Unimatrix 01 was a girl, named Annika Hansen, before being assimilated by the Borg Collective. She was the daughter of exobiologists Magnus and Erin Hanson. She was assimilated at the age of six but liberated by Voyager at the age of 24.
She was born on the Federation Tendara Colony. Her favorite color growing up was red. As a young child she often stayed with Irene her aunt. She loved Strawberry tarts. She was a strong willed child. She dreamt of being a ballerina when she grew up.
Her parents were investigating Borg existence. They used the Raven to aide their investigations.  Annika celebrated 3 birthdays on the ship. They encountered a Borg Cube and followed it. They went through a transwarp conduit with it to the Delta Quadrant.  They gathered a lot of information about the Borg Drones and the nature of The Collective because of multi-adaptive shielding that Magnus Hanson developed. They even used this shielding to go aboard Borg vessels. However the shielding as well as the Hanson met their demise when an ionic storm took out their shielding making the vulnerable to The Borg.

Monday, January 17, 2011


The Emergency Medical Hologram
When the Doctor on Voyager was killed because of the Caretaker taking the ship to the Delta Quadrant, the Emergency Medical Hologram, meant for short term use, was utilized as a full fledged doctor of the Voyager crew. Because of this he eventually got a personality and thus explored new aspects of what it is to be alive.
He developed a human family and had a number of other human experiences. He took a liking toward opera as well as a playwright and author, and developing meaningful relations with many of the crew. He later had an emotional dealing with  saving Harry Kim or Ensign Jet

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Tom Paris

Thomas Eugene Paris was a bad boy from the beginning. Kathryn Janeway requested his flight experiences. He had a brief history with the Maquis, under Captain Jakotay. After joining Voyager to retrieve his comrades from the badlands, he and the crew of Voyager got pulled 70,000 light years to the Delta Quadrant.
He was born to a senior Starfleet officer, Admiral Owen Paris. He felt imposed upon by the pressures of his father to excel in Starfleet, and that is why they had a troubled relationship. Throughout his Starfleet career his father pushed him so much that he became resentful of him.
He loved the sea. He read some classics as Jules Verne’s “Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea,” at least twenty times. He had a passion for flying, which made him a very good pilot on Voyager.

B'Lanna Torres

B’Lanna Torres is half human and half Klingon born in 2349. She was born on Federation colony Kessik IV. Her human father and Klingon mother often fought. Her father left the house when she was six. He went to Earth leaving her to be raised by her mother.

Because of her Klingon side, she is shown being prone to aggressive outburst. She once attacked a schoolmate Daniel Byrd, because he was taunting her because of her Klingon ridges and calling her Miss Turtle head.

While at the academy, she had trouble managing with Starfleet protocols. Because of this she had four disciplinary hearings and one suspension. Torres was a valued member of the academy decathlon, making the track and field coach as well as other members furious by leaving it.

Torres joined the Maquis in 2370 and was serving on the Val Jean when brought to the Delta Quadrant with Voyger.

After some time she was on Voyager she was promoted to Lieutenant and Chief Engineer. In 2377 she married Tom Paris, and gave birth to their daughter Miral.

Friday, January 14, 2011


Tuvok served as tactical officer under Kathryn Janeway on the Federation Starship Voyager, while it was stranded in the Delta Quadrant.
Son of T’meni was born on Stardate 38774 on the Vulcan Lunar Colony. As a teenager he rebelled against the Vulcan Ideal of Logic when he fell in love with a girl named Jara, the daughter of the ambassador. Tuvok was willing to violate every tenant of Vulcan philosophy to be with her. Unfortunately Jara didn’t return his feelings. As punishment for this treasonous act he had to survive in a Vulcan dessert for four months with only a ritual blade as his possession.
Tuvok entered Starfleet Academy at 25, but found it difficult to fit in. He found the egocentric nature of humans difficult to deal with but he endured it.
After he graduated in 2293, he was assigned to the USS Excelsior, as science office. Captain Sulu was his Captain. He was present in the attempt to rescue Kirk and McCoy from the Klingon Penal colony. This was despite direct orders from Starfleet, and Tuvok protested this.
He received an alien virus that the Valtane was carrying when he died in his arms. This virus disguised itself as a memory engram. This virus was eventually destroyed by the doctor on Voyager.
Tuvok was among those who spoke out against Spock’s recommendation to form an alliance with the Klingons. After the three year mission in the Beta Quadrant Tuvok resigned from Starfleet on account of his differences with humans.  His experiences were not pleasant. Tuvok saw they thought every alien race should be similar to them.
Tuvok first met Janeway in 2355, where he charged her with failing to observe Starfleet tactical procedure in her first command. Although bruising Janeway’s ego, she recognized Tuvok’s ethics were sound and from 2365, Janeway came to rely on his logical, insightful advice.
His first posting was at Jupiter Station where he wrote to Janeway.


Chakotay was a former Maquis, and then joined Voyagers crew after being sent to the Delta Quadrant by an unknown entity that called itself the Caretaker.

Born in 2329, he was raised by Kolopak, his father, near the Cardassean Demilitarized Zone. Being of Mayan descent, he was a very spiritual; Chakotay’s tribe left Earth, because of the intrusion of technology on societies.  Chakotay went on a quest through the Amazon Rainforest with his father looking for the descendants of the ancient rubber tree people.

At first resistant  to learn of his father’s connection to these ancestral lands, leaving his father very disappointed, his father was also shocked to learn that his son wanted to join Starfleet as well. Chakotay and his father were not on very good terms when his father died, mainly because of this decision. This is why he resigned from Starfleet, to preserve his homeland from the invading Cardassians.  Then, and for that reason, he took the tattoo, for the memory of his father.

Kathryn Elizabeth Janeway

“There are three things to remember about being a starship Captain: Keep your shirt tucked in, go down with the ship, and never abandon a member of your crew.”
Kathryn Janeway was a 24th century Starfleet captain of the USS Voyager, the first captain to successfully traverse the Delta Quadrant, while encountering dozens of new planets and civilizations, over the course of a seven year journey. Her crew survived numerous encounters with the Borg, even rescuing a drone and rehabilitating her individuality.

She was born on May 20th in Bloomington, Indiana on Earth. Her father was Vice Admiral Janeway and she had one sister, Phoebe, who was an artist. She grew up on her grandfather’s farm. When she was six, she watched a bolt of lightning split an oak tree, one she had climbed just a few hours before.  Many years later she recalled that there was no anomaly more frightening as a thunderstorm. She always enjoyed Welch Rabbit at her grandfathers.

She took ballet lessons in her youth.