Thursday, February 3, 2011


Icheb was a young Brunali, who was assimilated by the Borg; he was rescued by Voyager and then applied to StarFleet. The culture where grew up had limited technology. His home world bordered a transwarp conduit. Frequent Borg attacks left his world, which had been a technologically advanced culture, in devastation and ruin. In order to prevent attacks they gave up their technological practices and started agriculturally living.
They genetically engineered Icheb to be born with a deadly disease which would annihilate a vast degree of the Borg, thus sending him in a shuttle to be assimilated by the Borg. As a drone he was given the ability to control other drones. He eventually overtook his first to gain control.
After being on Voyager Echeb and his group assimilated individuality, and Seven took responsibility for them. Icheb was innovative and intelligent. He had a strong interest in Astrophysics and worked alongside Seven in Astrometrics.
Icheb once demonstrated his high level aptitude for Janeway, Torres, as well as Seven by designing a gravimetric sensor array that was capable of being used in combination with Voyager’s sensors to detect wormholes. His parents and home world were located in 2376. Echeb returned to them, despite serious objections by Seven. He tried learning about his culture while adjusting to life as a farmer without technological access. After Voyager left he learned the truth about his assimilation, when his parents tried to put him on a small transport vessel. Fortunately, Seven's suspicion about Icheb's parents and constant questioning of his safety lead to her finally exposing their plan to sacrifice Icheb and Voyager returned, rescuing him from re-assimilation. With no home to return to, Icheb rejoined the ship on its journey back to the Alpha Quadrant.

He expanded his expertise, to genetics after returning to Voyager. When Voyager returned home, Icheb and the group of friends, stayed on the ship.

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