Saturday, February 5, 2011


Mezoti is a Norcadian. She was assimilated. In 2376 she was freed from the Borg. She and her friends captured the Delta Flyer with Chakotay, Tom Paris, Harry Kim and Neelix aboard. The 5 kids demanded Voyagers deflector array in exchange for the hostages. It would have allowed them to contact the Borg, but it would have prevented Voyager from attaining Warp.
Seven discovered that the Borg had received a distress call from the cube, but determined that the children would be irrelevant and the Borg would ignore it. After the children relized this they decided to leave the cube.
She helped seven guide Icheb, Azan and Rebi. Azan and Rebi’s people agreed to give Mezoti a home because they were unable to contact her people.

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