Friday, February 4, 2011


Kes was a female Ocampa. She joined Voyager, with Neelix, after it was catapulted to the Delta Quadrant. She served as a medic helping the Doctor and was in charge of the airponics bay. She left Voyager to explore her increasingly powerful mental abilities.
Kes was born on Ocampa to a species that had telepathic powers and a nine year life span. She was very close to her father and considered him an inspiration in her life, but he died not long after her first birthday. She received guidance from him when she needed.
When she was born her mother expressed a wish that she would see the sun. Kes was brought up underground like most Ocampans because the planet’s surface was a barren wasteland, due to a catastrophic event. The Nacene, a race of explorers had damaged the atmosphere, so badly that Nucleogenics particles were lost thus rendering the planet surface unsuitable for life. They deeply regretted what they had done, leaving two of their kind to care for the Ocampa. The male Nacene, known as the Caretaker, stayed. He provided the Ocampa with food, entertainment and water as well as energy from the array. The Ocampans were protected with a forcefield and the Caretaker attained an almost God-like status among the Ocampans. This symbiotic relationship remained for 500 generations
Some who weren’t that happy found a way through the energy barrier. They wanted to explore other parts and no longer wished to remain dependent on the Caretaker. Among them was Kes, who was frustrated of the dependence that her race had on the Caretaker. They couldn’t think for themselves anymore.

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